
Showing posts from March, 2013

Peace of Mind.. By Jayaraman Trikkur :

Nothing new here, but it is a good reminder for us to practice every day. Stress is a normal part of life. Every day we are faced with countless tasks that they sometimes become overwhelming and cause us to stress out.   Here are 15 ways you can overcome daily stress and maintain a happy life. 1. Eliminate unnecessary commitments 2. Stop over analyzing and start doing. 3. Do one thing at a time. 4. Learn to say no and really mean it. 5. Don’t compare yourself to others. Life is not a contest. 6. Find reason to laugh. Even laughing at yourself helps. 7. Let go of trying to control everything. 8. Walk away from anything or anyone that makes you miserable. 9. Practice gratitude. That you are alive is still a gift 10 Control over expectation to avoid disappointment. 11.Stop being a perfectionist and move on. 12. Don’t stress out trying to get everyone to agree with you. 13. Stop longing for the past and start living in the present. 14. Don’t trade sleep for work and do...

India Political party

If I had lived in the US, I would support the Democrats. In UK, it would be the Labour.  The values of the Party, the manifesto make it easier to decide where I want to lean.  But as many things Indian, after all these years, I still can't make up my mind where I want to be - Congress, BJP, Janata Dal! The ruling Congress is highly highly corrupt. The BJP rule was good, brought about a lot of goo d for towns and cities, but the villages were left out, the older generation were left out. I wish the Civil Service was powerful enough to continue to implement and continue good schemes and keep the ministers in check. The judiciary and police were powerful enough to ensure justice would prevail and all citizens are equal before law. The Government officials would take pride in their work and people they represent and ensure things work. In a country with so many skilled and educated people and whose children are leading many organizations across the world, is it too much to ask for...