
Showing posts from June, 2017

Father's Day, 2017

Father's Day.. I remember hunting meaningful cards for my Appa, walking to different bookstores and card shops, hoping to find the one that would convey what Appa truly meant to me.. Yes, he could not read during his last few years, but Amma or Jayaraman would read to him and Appa would be thrilled, and would await my call. When I think back about my Appa, that's what always come to my mind - how he made me feel so very special about myself. Appa would give me his 100% focus, and genuinely listen. No advice, no suggestions, you will figure it out was what he always said. That belief in your kid, that trust and faith in your kid, is rare! That feeling of being so special to him, and I could pretty much do anything, climb the mountains, soar the skies. The world was indeed mine!