
Showing posts from February, 2022


Some words say it all, a simple word yet they mean so much. One such words for me is sangfroid, the pronunciation is a struggle for me, as is embodying it. The word means being unflappable, having composure in dangerous or trying situations. Angela Merkel, the ex-Chancellor of Germany, had it in plenty. She was not easily excited or excitable, it was so remarkable how calm and collected she was, the poise.  Same with Queen Elizabeth. They hold it all together even in the most trying of situations, and under constant media glare. Closer home, my Amma has it in plenty. I have never seen Amma say anything out of turn or anything harsh or something she would regret later, ever in public. Tears and emotions, insults and quarrels, Amma is a witness to all. Yet, Amma always has a smiling, gentle demeanour and is soft-spoken.  A big joint family: with many people, conflicting interests, shifting inter-group dynamics, dilemmas; needs tact and diplomacy, sacrifices done quietly and a fa...