Navaratri Nostalgia

Navaratri . the nine nights of worship culminating in Vijaya Dashami. Navaratri is celebrated across India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Gujarat to Bengal in various different ways. Rama Krishna Paramahamsa, is one of the first names that comes to mind as a Devi devotee - Kali Bhakta, and of couse we have Kalidasa of the yore, who was blessed by the Goddess. Bengal and Kashmir have been the home of Sree Vidya and Devi Tantra(Kaula and Shakta), along with Bengal. Coming South, of the musical trinity, Muthusawmi Deekshitar and Shyama Shastry were Devi devotees and have many compositions on the Goddess. (Thayagaraja's Ishta Daiva being Lord Rama). Shyama Shastri devoted his many Kritis to the the Goddess. Kamakshi and used the mudra Shyama Krishna(think Shyamala). An anecdote devoted to Deekshitar says as he neared his end, he called one of his disciples and asked him to sing the composition "Meenakshi Memudaham", as the disciple sang Meenalochani Pashamochani, he as...