Affirmations, Visualization

Any self help book worth the name has a section on affirmations and the power of affirmations. Almost every one of them will ask you to include positive affirmations into your daily routine of thinking and repeat them as often as possible. The power of positive affirmations has been researched, time-tested and highly recommended. Test after test, research after research shows how optimistic, successful go-getters use affirmations in their thoughts, language and behaviour. 

Another closely recommended technique is visualization - how thinking of positive behaviours, past/present successes etc bring out chemical changes in the body and can affect one's thought, hence actions and life. We are what we think!

Lord Budha's famous statement also comes to mind -
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”

Any mantram/slokam/sahasranamam/parayanam is a beautiful description of our Gods- their physical beauty, mental makeup, strength of character, stead-fastness to Dharma, courage etc. When we chant a slokam or sahasranamam and start understanding its meaning, we begin to see the beauty of the diety, his/her character, his/her life-story etc unfolding in our minds. And our thoughts dwell on these. And we are often asked to repeat these 'n' number of times.

Affirmation and visualization, done so subtly though and as part of everyday life!