
Showing posts from April, 2015

Akshaya Trithiya

Appa and Amma By  Mahesh Balasubramanian I was speaking to my Periyappa Shri T.P.Sreeraman on Akshaya Thritiya yesterday. He was telling me during his younger days ( 1950s to 1980s) on this day homes in villages invite people particularly vedic scholars offer them new cotton clothes, lot of "Sambhaaram", paanakam etc. Also "Thair Saadam" would be prepared and given as a parcel in earthen pots.  One significant point what he made. From Shivaraathri till Thrithiyai the ambient heat increases slowly. But after Thrithiyai, the increase in temperature is usually very significant each day. Hence the dispensation of cotton clothes sambhaaram etc. The farmers also complete the harvesting well before Vishu. So that by Akshaya Thrithiya they can plough the barren fields to save the moisture inside the soil.  Wonder how many such small but significant information are there in each day of our Indian calender. Need to spend more time with Periyappa.

April 15th: Daffodils!

A beautiful sunny day yesterday, so we ventured out to the park. It was delightful seeing so many people and squirrels, geese, pigeons, robins etc... almost like everyone wanted a bit of sunshine.. We were all basking. The daffodils were beautiful, the way the flowers can only shine (almost with an ethereal aura) when sunlight dances on them, so bright and yellow.. I came back home and read my favourite poem by Wordswoth. Wordsworth saw these flowers in the wild in the Lake District, a very scenic place indeed, full of mountains and hills and lakes. I leave you to read and enjoy the poem ... I wandered lonely as a Cloud That floats on high o'er Vales and Hills, When all at once I saw a crowd A host of dancing Daffodils; Along the Lake, beneath the trees, Ten thousand dancing in the breeze. The waves beside them danced, but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee: -- A poet could not but be gay In such a laughing company: I gazed -- and gazed -- bu...