The Minimalist religion
Hinduism, pre-independence and a couple of decades after, was mostly a religion of subtraction.
From material wealth to the reduction/subtraction of the six evil tendencies, it was about subtraction.
--- Lust or desire ( Kama), Anger (Krodha), Greed ( Lobha), Attachment (Moha) , Arrogance (Mada), Jealousy (Matsarya)
The four Ashramas/life-stages in life was about subtraction
--- Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (retired) and Sannyasa (renunciate)
A way of life to move from outer experiences to inner!
Ostentation was eschewed.
Appa used to jokingly remark that silk sarees were worn to create jealousy and want in other women. And how his mother had only 2 silk sarees and she was content with it, though she had the resources to buy more. Wise words, jokingly said, but so true!
On a serious note, Kanchi Maha Periyava, Jagadguru Chandra Sekara Sarawati and also Sringeri Maha Periyava Chandra Sekara Bharati, Ramana Maharishi are living examples of Gurus we have known or heard of, who were epitomes of this subtraction. In fact, most ancient traditional Mutts in India till date continue this tradition, they are not into expansion or commercialization but continue to strictly adhere to the tenets of their respective Mutts.
Mahatma Gandhi is another name that comes to the mind, though there are so many in our midst. Endaro Mahanu Bhavulu andareeki vandanamulu.