Why do we think others are better than us?
Isn't that why we get hurt?
Hurts, disappointments, anger and other emotions are part of life and happen because we didn't expect it from that someone. We expected them to behave better, handle things more maturely. They have an education, are sophisticated, cultured, well-read talented and so on and so forth. We have this expectation somewhere that they are better than us.
But it is a myth, isn't it - why we expect this from others. Is it because we think they are better than us and can count on them to behave well?
I have come to believe though that there is no one better or worse. No one is perfect. No one is better or should know better. Everyone has strengths and in equal measure, weaknesses.
Everyone has their own insecurities and things not working out. No matter what one achieves, there is also a hunger for more. After all, we are all human. And we all have our days. Somedays we cope well, somedays not that well.
So the choice boils down to expectation & disappointment or no expectation & so balanced. No expecation - if things work out, being plesantly surprised, if not, not a big deal.
So better not to expect anything. - the Bhagavad Gita's Karmanye vadhikaraste sloka is a good reminder.