The OXFAM bookshop in Marylebone
When I first came to London and had yet to find a job, Sekar suggested I do some volunteering work. This would help me network and interact with people. One day as Narayan and I were coming back from Waitrose our local grocers, a ‘Volunteers Urgently Needed’ board caught my attention. So we walked towards it and I found a notice that said “The Oxfam Book Shop needs volunteers urgently”. So the next day without much confidence, I walked into the shop and asked to see the Manager. Martin Penny the Manager said I was welcome and gave me a form to fill. He explained I would work on replacing books in the shelves and I could do either mornings or afternoons (10 to 2) and (2-6) on weekdays or 12-5 on Sundays. I went back on Monday at 10:15 and Martin showed me and another volunteer called Naila around. He showed us the different sections in the bookstore and the basement where the books were stored and sorted. He showed us how to price the books and how they need to be organized on the book-...